At which of the following places is the Secretariat of the International Solar Alliance (I.S.A.) located at present ? [UPPSC 2019] 1) Paris 2) New Delhi 3) Gurugram ...
Exam Preply ASk Latest Questions
Which of the following is an example of herbicide ? [UPPSC 2019] 1) Sodium chlorate 2) Potassium permanganate 3) Bleaching powder 4) None of the above
Which one of the following is the well known example of bioindicator of air pollution ? [UPPSC 2019] 1) Lichens 2) Methyl mercury 3) Rose plant 4) Sunflower ...
Which of the following statement is not true? [UPPSC 2019] 1) Species diversity increases from equator towards poles. 2) Tropics harbor more species than temperate areas. 3) Greatest biodiversity ...
The environment modified by human activities is called : [UPPSC 2019] 1) Natural environment 2) Anthropogenic environment 3) Urban environment 4) Modern environment
Tulsi plant has medicinal values due to the presence of the following: [UPPSC 2019] 1) Inorganic Acid 2) Organic Acid 3) Phenols and Flavonoids 4) None of the ...
Which one of the following is NOT correctly matched? [UPPSC 2019] 1) Silver bromide – artificial photosynthesis 2) Silver iodide – artificial rain 3) Lithium bicarbonate – treatment of ...
Which one of the following materials contains calcium ? [UPPSC 2019] 1) China clay 2) Corundum 3) Gypsum 4) Tale
Which of the following glands in human body acts both as a endocrine gland as well as an exocrine gland? [UPPSC 2019] 1) Adrenal gland 2) Lacrimal gland 3) Pancreas ...
A liquid remains hot or cold for a long time in thermos flask because there is no loss or gain of heat by : [UPPSC 2019] 1) Conduction 2) Convection ...