To which Country are the winners of Nobel Peace Prize 2021 related? [UK Lower PCS 2021] 1) Egypt and Australia 2) Malaysia and Italy 3) Phillipines and Russia ...
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108th Indian Science Congress will be hosted in 2022, at : [UK Lower PCS 2021] 1) Gandhinagar 2) Silchar 3) Pune 4) New Delhi
Due to which of the following, sky appears to be blue ? [UK Lower PCS 2021] 1) Refraction 2) Reflection 3) Diffraction 4) Scattering
Which of the follwings is best indicator of Sulphur dioxide pollution? [UK Lower PCS 2021] 1) Bryophytes 2) Lichens 3) Ferns 4) Algae
Pheromones are example of : [UK Lower PCS 2021] 1) Growth hormones 2) Endohormones 3) Ectohormones 4) None of the above
Panna district of Madhya Pradesh is famous for which mineral ? [MPPCS 2020] 1) Manganese 2) Marble 3) Mica 4) Diamond
Chambal Canal Irrigation Project Is related with : 1) Sindh Basin 2) Ganga Basin 3) Yamuna Basin 4) Tapti Basin
Jawahar Sagar Hydroelectricity Project situated on which river ? [MPPCS Pre 2020] 1) Narmada 2) Chambal 3) Tapti 4) Mahi
Main crop of Madhya Pradesh is : [MPPCS Pre 2020] 1) Rice 2) Wheat 3) Maize 4) Bajra
Which one of the following is not commercial crop ? [MPPCS Pre 2020] 1) Sugarcane 2) Cotton 3) Banana 4) Bajra