Which among the following is a secondary pollutant ? [UPPSC 2018] 1) Smog 2) Carbon Dioxide 3) Carbon monoxide 4) Fly ash
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ABC Index Announced by the Government of India is related with ? [UPPSC 2018] 1) Agriculture 2) Communication 3) Health 4) Education
When was project tiger launched in India ? [UPPSC 2018] 1) 1968 2) 1972 3) 1984 4) 1983
Which of the following is an Anthropogenic biome ? [UPPSC 2018] 1) Fresh water 2) Grassland 3) Rainforest 4) Cropland
Which of the following animals can live for the longest duration without drinking water ? [UPPSC 2018] 1) Giraffe 2) Camel 3) Kangaroo 4) Kangaroo Rat
India’s first National Centre for Marine Biodiversity (NCMB) is located in which city? 1) Bhavnagar 2) Jamnagar 3) Mumbai 4) Puducherry
When the World Biodiversity Day is observed? [UPPSC 2018] 1) March, 22 2) May, 22 3) June, 23 4) April, 16
The maximum concentration of ozone is found in which of the following? [UPPSC 2018] 1) Troposphere 2) Mesosphere 3) Stratosphere 4) Exosphere
Ultra-voilet radiation from sunlight causes the reaction that produce which of the following ? [UPPSC 2018] 1) Co 2) SO2 3) O3 4) Fluorides
Double-helical structure of DNA was given by whom ? [UPPSC 2018] 1) Jacob and Monod 2) watson and crick 3) h.g. khorana 4) None of the above.