The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) shows the relationship between per capita GDP and environmental loss. What is the shape of Environmental Kuznets Curve?
[UPPSC 2019]
1) Inverted ‘U’ shaped
2) Inverted ‘I’ shaped
3) Inverted ‘L’ shaped
4) None of these
1) Inverted ‘U’ shaped
Environmental Kuznets curve –
The environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) is a relationship between environmental quality and economic development.
According to this theory, many indicators of environmental degradation tend to get worse as modern economic growth occurs until average income reaches a certain point over the course of development.
In other words, the environmental Kuznets curve suggests that economic development initially leads to a deterioration in the environment, but after a certain level of economic growth, a society begins to improve its relationship with the environment, and levels of environmental degradation reduce.
The EKC suggests that the solution to pollution is economic growth.