RRB TC Exam Pattern:
- There will be 120 Objective Type Questions Examination
- The test will be Computer Based i.e. Online
- Each question will be of 01 mark.
- Further 90 minutes will be given to complete the exam.
Name of Subject | Number Of Questions | Maximum Marks |
General Science | 30 | 30 |
Arithmetic | 20 | 20 |
Reasoning | 10 | 10 |
General Intelligence | 05 | 05 |
General Awareness | 25 | 25 |
Technical subject | 30 | 30 |
Railway Recruitment Board TC Syllabus:
There are 05 sections in RRB Ticket Collector Syllabus that are:
- General Science
- Arithmetic
- Reasoning
- General Intelligence
- General Awareness
- Technical subject
The syllabus of RRB Ticket Collector for all these subjects is well described below, candidates are advised top take a glance:
Railways TC Syllabus- General Awareness
The RRB Ticket Collector General Awareness Syllabus includes the following topics:
- International issues
- National news (current)
- Indian Culture
- Scientific observations
- Political Science
- New Inventions
- Science and innovations
- Countries and capitals
- Famous Places in India
- World organizations
- History of India
- Economic issues in India
- Geography of India
- National and international Current Affairs
- About India and it’s neighboring countries
RRB TC Exam Syllabus – Arithmetic
The RRB Ticket Collector Arithmetic Syllabus includes the following topics:
- Ratio & Proportion
- Percentages
- Simple Interest
- Profit & Loss
- Discount
- Averages
- Time & Work
- Partnership
- Use of Tables & Graphs
- Time & Distance
- Mensuration
- Number Systems
- Decimals & Fractions
- Computation of Whole Numbers
- Fundamental arithmetical operations
- Relationship between Numbers
Railway Exam TC Syllabus – General Reasoning
The RRB Ticket Collector General Reasoning Syllabus includes the following topics:
- Blood Relations
- Clocks & Calendars
- Mirror Images
- Cubes and Dice
- Embedded Figures
- Coding-Decoding
- Number Ranking
- Alphabet Series
- Arithmetical Reasoning
- Decision Making
- Number Series
- Non-Verbal Series
Ticket Collector RRB Syllabus – General Intelligence
The RRB Ticket Collector General Intelligence Syllabus includes the following topics:
- Current Affairs
- Scientific Research
- Economics Scene
- India and Its Neighboring Countries
- General Policy Including Indian Constitution
RRB TC Syllabus – Technical
The RRB Ticket Collector Technical Syllabus includes the following topics:
- Estimation and costing
- Magnetic Circuit
- Analog and Digital Electronics
- Power Systems
- Electrical Machines
- Basic Electronics
- Network Theory
- Basic Electrical Engineering Concepts
- Utilization of Electrical Energy
- Power Electronics & Drives
- AC Fundamentals
- Measurement as well as measuring instruments